Toyota Land Cruisers for Restoration

No series

Available for Restoration

For FJ40 or FJ43 builds, please place an order through our website.

For those seeking something a little more exotic, this is our inventory of rare Land Cruisers available for one of our full nut-and-bolt restorations. We DO NOT sell un-restored vehicles.

Awaiting Restoration

These un-restored "donor" Land Cruisers have been purchased by a customer and are scheduled to begin restoration in the next few months.
1973 Toyota Land Cruiser Blue FJ43 27466 - Awaiting Restoration -

1973 FJ43
Medium Blue (Originally Medium Blue) FJ43-27466

BUILD YOUR OWN Initial status
1979 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ43 60046 Yellow - Awaiting Restoration -

1979 FJ43
Yellow (Originally Yellow) FJ43-60046

BUILD YOUR OWN Initial status